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Join our GPS Community for free if you have an interest in global posture assessment and analysis, global posture reeducation and related therapies, injury prevention and performance improvement.
Chinesport has been dedicated for many years to the research and development of global posture assessment and devices. Our GPS Community brings together the medical and scientific experts we have strong bonds with. The common denominator of our community is the acknowledgement that healthy posture is a prerequisite for healthy movement; that good global posture is a strong indicator of good general health. To assess global posture is a consistent and accurate way, we use GPS Postural Labs.
Through the GPS Community we are offering you the unique chance to connect and cooperate with experts that have been working in the field of global posture for decades.
The GPS Community’s mission is to become the place of choice for all GPS Postural Labs users to:
CONNECT with other Postural Lab users and share references and statistics, and openly discuss their implications in rehabilitation and injury prevention.
RESEARCH global posture and its many facets by creating the most extensive database on global posture, so that normative values become know and accessible to the scientific and medical community.
EDUCATE themselves and others through dedicated educational events such as workshops, seminars, conferences, and more. The GPS Community always welcomes GPS Postural Labs users as speakers and offers you a platform where you can present your research work and case studies.
UPDATE yourself on the latest state-of-the-art in global posture assessment and analysis, with free software update downloads for your GPS Postural Lab and the opportunity to share the latest scientific articles.
PROMOTE your global posture related services as a “GPS Academy - Centre for the study of global posture” in a transparent and visible way. This makes it easy for people in need of global posture assessment and related therapy to find their way to your clinic or institution.
DEVELOP and improve the field of global posture assessment and analysis, and related therapies together with GPS Community and Chinesport. Together we can bring continuous improvement to our GPS Postural Labs software; Chinesport will collect and register
Something about GPS community
Chinesport Spa is involved in research and development of studying devices for posture analysis and is going to offer you the possibility of free subscription in a medical/scientific community named GPS Community.
Common denominator is acknowledgment of the importance of posture analysis and the use of GPS software with our three or six cell Stabilometric platform. Chinesport Spa offer to this medical/scientific community the cooperation of coordinators and experts with more than ten-year experiences in this field.
Are you looking for a qualified professional to make a postural analysis complete and careful?
Search the expert closest to you among our professionals
Are you looking for a qualified professional to make a postural analysis complete and careful?
Search the expert closest to you among our professionals