Ending the treatment

Healthy Posture for Healthy Movement conveys Chinesport’s dedication to rehabilitation. Our goal is to offer solutions that are more efficient, effective and provide long-lasting results. We know that healthy posture is an essential foundation for healthy movement. That is why our Global Posture Systems, GPS Pathways for Rehabilitation concept includes everything needed for posture-centred rehabilitation. We integrated top-of-the-line products into a single package; a “one-stop-shop” for the modern therapist. At the center lies a thorough GPS Postural Labs posture analysis. This forms the basis for choosing a GPS Therapeutic Pathway.

The Mi.To pathway focuses on autogenic relaxation, breathing techniques, myofascial release and stretching, and various exercise modalities. Using TCare, capacitive and resistive energy transfer technology, we control pain and stimulate cell regeneration. A third pathway - the Archimedes Pulley System with BlueCord Exercise System - limitless kinesiotherapy options using suspension and sling exercises techniques. Lastly, healthy movement and posture patterns are integrated in every day living activities using a variety of Chinesport’s proprioceptive and integrative exercise tools.

It's available an handbook that covers the use of Mi.To therapeutic table within the context of Healthy Posture for Healthy Movement. There is more to Mi.To than meets the eye. Myofascial release and stretching may be evident, but the Mi.To therapeutic table can also be used in postural awareness training, respiratory reeducation, spinal mobilisations, muscle strengthening and much more...

Many years of experience and know-how of impassioned Mi.To users has been poured into this handbook. We are sure you can enjoy its content as much as other education programs and materials developed by Chinesport and the GPS Academy.


It's available an handbook that covers the use of Mi.To therapeutic table within the context of Healthy Posture for Healthy Movement. There is more to Mi.To than meets the eye. Myofascial release and stretching may be evident, but the Mi.To therapeutic table can also be used in postural awareness training, respiratory reeducation, spinal mobilisations, muscle strengthening and much more... https://www.chinesport.com/go/02160

Many years of experience and know-how of impassioned Mi.To users has been poured into this handbook. We are sure you can enjoy its content as much as other education programs and materials developed by GPS Academy. For more info about the Chinesport world and possible courses please visit our official website: https://www.chinesport.com

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