It is a structure composed of two lateral aluminum rods both equipped with a measure scale, an upper mirror with a midline and a plumb line. In addition it’s possible to add as accessory code AC0870 a set three horizontal elastics and three vertical ones respectively adjustable in height and width by sliding cursors.
These elastics are used as guide lines in the observation of patient posture, and in the search for asymmetries and deviations. The central vertical elastic is characterized by a plumb line in the terminal part, and represents the first reference also for the person who has to position himself so that the malleolus is aligned with this vertical.
The person is then invited to move over the platform, and to follow some rules for its correct positioning, and this device therefore allows a visual check of the posture on the frontal and sagittal plane. Also the upper inclined mirror allows the observation of a possible shoulder rotation.
An accessory sticker coded AC1046 can be applied to the postural analyzer base. This accessory guides the patient to position autonomously for the acquisition of the four main images.
The device can be purchased separately or be part of our Postural Laboratory. It is suitable for people up to 207 cm tall, and the safe working load is 200 kg. Dimensions 60 x 66 x 220 h cm; Weight: 19 kg.
Further investigation using the GPS software
After determining a patient’s basic posture type further investigation using the GPS software’s measurement functions is very useful.
It helps therapists to better understand the underlying mechanisms for postural deviations and develop the more effective and efficient treatment plans. It is well-known that each patient compensates pain, injury, discomfort and overuse in their own particular way which leads to a virtually unlimited number of postural compensations.
At this aim the postural analyzer can be part of a postural lab code PL0120. It’s possible to order missing parts in a second time.