It is known that the flat foot is the support for the whole body and it can download the weight to the ground besides having the main role of keeping the balance and the posture. The supporting area is not usually the whole supporting area but it is located in three points. The consequent adaptation have effects on the load capacity of the spinal column.
A simple explanation is that the flat foot is “flattening of the insole “ which can cause a fault in the distribution of the weight and a consequent alteration of the different bones and the development of degenerative and painful phenomena.
At the beginning the flat foot doesn’t generally show any symptom and so it is diagnosed only when there are postural problems or if the movements cause pain or in case of easy fatigue when you walk or stand.
You start feeling the pain gradually and it can reach the calf. Afterwards the pain get stronger and morphological changes can be seen followed by a greater difficulty in flexion and supination movements of the foot and arthrosis problems.
The flat foot pathology is set within a wider postural syndrome, in fact putting a strain on the posture it may damage the correct position.
When the first symptoms appear, a careful postural exam can highlight the cause of that pathology and, with the support of a specialist, some remedies can be taken to delay possible and more severe problems at muscular and skeletal level.