Cephalalgia, more commonly called headache, is a common pathology which has a strong social impact, in fact it may affect familiar and social relationships, it may cause emotional stress affecting the quality of life of the person that suffers from it.
There are different kinds of cephalalgia,that we can summarize as follows:
SYMPTOMATIC of the systemic or cerebral disease
PRIMARY, that is without a cause. In this case cephalalgia is both a symptom and a disease. This can be divided into:
HEADACHE: neurovascular chronic disease (it is caused by a stimulation of the brain vessels that suddenly increase the flow of the blood in the brain and cause the attacks). There can be also visual disorders of different kind and they are often associated to women’s periods.
TENSE CEPHALALGIA, associated to anxiety, stress, depression which reduce the threshold pain so that the pain is perceived at a medium high intensity.
CLUSTER CEPHALALGIA, around the eye or behind it, together with other symptoms such as lachrymation, nose congestion and lowering of the eyelid.
OTHER CEPHALALGIA connected to a particular event.
Tense cephalalgia is often caused by the tension of the muscles due to wrong posture or anxiety. Sedentary life and wrong posture aggravate this kind of backache.
If the problem is due to muscular tension because the person is forced to wrong postures ( sitting long hours in front of the PC or driving for working reasons or insomnia or lack of movement in general) it is possible, with a correct postural exam, to detect the cause and suggest the best therapy ( for example postural gymnastic that teaches the patient the right postures avoiding headaches and connected symptoms such as dizziness, a feeling of heaviness on the head, stiff neck and shoulders).